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South Asian Mental Health and its Impact on Depression in Los Angeles

A depressed South Asian woman looking out in the window in Los Angeles, CA
A depressed South Asian woman looking out in the window in Los Angeles, CA

Mental health issues, including depression in Los Angeles, CA, affect individuals from all walks of life. However, within the South Asian community, there are unique challenges that contribute to a higher prevalence of mental health disorders. The South Asian population faces specific cultural, social, and linguistic barriers that impact their mental well-being. This article seeks to explore the problem, provide relevant statistics, and discuss potential solutions, including the use of therapy such as provided by Shakti Therapy & Healing Services, based in Los Angeles, CA.

A South Asian man sitting looking depressed on a therapy couch
A South Asian man sitting looking depressed

Depression In Los Angeles

South Asians residing in Los Angeles encounter several factors that can adversely affect their mental health, leading to a higher susceptibility to depression. One of the primary challenges is the acculturation process. Balancing traditional values and customs with the dominant American culture can create a significant source of stress and identity conflict. Additionally, the pressure to succeed academically or professionally within a highly competitive environment can further intensify stress levels.

South Asian Mental Health

Acculturative stress is a form of stress resulting from attempts by an individual to incorporate host country traits within their own culture. The resultant effects of intergenerational conflict, discrimination, and depression can also take a toll on a person’s mental health. A study conducted by the Asian American Psychological Association places South Asian mental health on a higher radar. South Asian Americans exhibit higher rates of depression compared to the general U.S. population. This study found that nearly 20% of South Asians reported experiencing depressive symptoms. Additionally, it is estimated that Asian Americans are three times less likely to seek mental health services than other Americans due to cultural stigma and lack of awareness.

A depressed older South Asian man seeing a therapist to raise awareness on South Asian mental health
A depressed older South Asian man seeing a therapist to raise awareness on South Asian mental health

Possible Solutions Raising Awareness:

It is essential to educate the South Asian community about mental health issues, including depression, to reduce the associated stigma. Community outreach programs, workshops, and public campaigns can help disseminate information about available resources and encourage individuals to seek help without

fear of judgment.

Supportive Networks:

Building support networks within the South Asian community can play a crucial role in addressing mental health challenges. Establishing community organizations, support groups, and helplines specifically catering to the needs of South Asians can provide a sense of belonging, reduce isolation, and foster understanding among individuals facing similar issues.

A support group in Los Angeles discussing South Asian mental health support
A support group in Los Angeles discussing South Asian mental health support

Collaboration with Community Leaders:

Community leaders, religious leaders, and influential figures can be of great influence on the people. Engaging with these individuals of high influence within the South Asian community can help combat mental health stigma. These personalities can play a vital role in spreading awareness, encouraging open discussions, and normalizing seeking professional help for mental health issues.

Culturally Sensitive Therapy:

Providing culturally sensitive mental health services can make a significant difference. Shakti Therapy & Healing Services, a South Asian therapist owned holistic group practice in Los Angeles, which offers a therapeutic approach rooted in South Asian traditions and practices, can be beneficial. This type of therapy incorporates elements such as mindfulness, meditation, and yoga, which resonate with the cultural beliefs of South Asian individuals. Shakti Therapy can provide a safe and supportive environment for clients to address their mental health concerns.

Enhancing Accessibility:

Improving access to mental health services is crucial. Establishing culturally sensitive mental health clinics, hiring bilingual professionals, and ensuring affordability through insurance coverage or subsidized services can encourage more South Asians to seek therapy. In conclusion, addressing mental health concerns within the South Asian community in Los Angeles requires a multifaceted approach that combines awareness, culturally sensitive therapy, support networks, collaboration, and enhanced accessibility. South Asian therapists, Shakti Therapy, with their emphasis on psychotherapy cum cultural integration, can be an effective tool to bridge the gap between traditional South Asian values and contemporary mental health practices. By implementing these strategies, it is possible to reduce the impact of depression and improve the overall mental well-being of the South Asian population in Los Angeles.

Ektha Aggarwal is an experienced licensed clinical social worker (LCSW) and Founder of Shakti Therapy and Healing Services.

Shakti Therapy is a holistic & psychotherapeutic mental health clinic that helps clients. We realize that we are an integral part of the vast and complex web of life - that the health of the whole is intimately connected with the health of the individual. Shakti Therapy combines both ancient Eastern & the most up to date scientific modalities, to create a basis of connection - mind to body, human to nature, individual to community, physical to spiritual, past to present to future.

To learn more about Shakti Therapy and Healing services, please visit


Los Angeles, CA 90066

Torrance, CA 90505

*Supporting anyone in Los Angeles and throughout California.

PHONE: 1-424.265.9943

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