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Image by Kelly Sikkema


Ketamine Therapy Review
Therapy Video Review
Therapy Video Review

...she would listen intently and provide me tools and thoughts to help reframe or reshape my concerns. I developed a much more positive outlook on myself and life...

After receiving a heavy diagnosis of PTSD and high functioning anxiety, I was incredibly overwhelmed while trying to understand how to deal with this. I called around to a few therapists and connected most with Ektha. She's incredibly patient and empathetic.


In our sessions, she would listen intently and provide me tools and thoughts to help reframe or reshape my concerns. I developed a much more positive outlook on myself and life. I learned a lot about self-love and acceptance with Ektha.


My ability to care for myself and prioritize myself has increased greatly through the work I've done with Ektha. One of my biggest learnings was how to draw boundaries, gently and respectfully, with friends, family, and most importantly, myself. I highly recommend Shakti Therapy to anyone who is working through processing trauma or working towards learning healthy coping mechanisms.

Spiced Chai

... her emphasis on creating set, setting and safety as well as her therapuetic integration allowed me to let go and let the ketamine do the work...I felt safe...

I did my first journey work with Ektha. Ektha was very nurturing and attentive to me before, during, and after my journey. She created a set and setting that felt very safe and supportive.  I felt very taken care of and she paid attention to all of the details and met every need or concern that came up for me. This allowed me to let go and let the medicine do the work to help me heal from treatment resistant depression. 

Feeling safe was my biggest concern and I had spoken to many people before doing this work. It wasn't until I experienced Ektha and her approach with journey work that I felt truly safe. Her emphasis on therapeutic integration helped me make sense of the journey and apply it to my life so I can have agency over change that I am making. 

I highly recommend working with Ektha for psychedelic therapy and ketamine assisted psychotherapy. 

Image by Jr Korpa

... Jill has made an impact in my life...I still user her helpful tips when I am having anxiety...

I tried a different therapist years ago, but he wasn’t helpful and thought it was a waste of time. But it wasn’t until I met Jill that I realized what a positive impact Jill has made in my life. She opened my eyes and helped me really learn about myself.


When I was having a nervous breakdown, Jill made herself available immediately to help calm me. To this day, I still use Jill’s helpful tips and constantly think of her when I’m having anxiety or another nervous breakdown. Jill definitely made a huge difference in my life and I know she will share light in your life too.

Image by Jeremy Yap

...I was severely depressed and she gave me my hope back...that my soul really needed to truly heal those deep wounds...

Having Jill as a therapist literally saved my life. When I first started my sessions with her I was severely depressed and she gave me my hope back.


What I love the most about her style is how she blends spirituality with therapy techniques. It gave me the perfect balance that my soul really needed to truly heal those deep wounds I avoided my entire life. She held my hand through painful memories and gave me practical solutions to escape my mental prison.


It takes a very special person to master the spiritual and the psychological aspect of therapy and she does it flawlessly. If you are looking for a life changing experience look no further! She will give you every single tool you need to unlock a new beginning!

Image by Bruce  Hong

...I have had almost a half dozen therapists in my life during my mental health journey and Jill is by far the best. She is human and kind and thoughtful and approachable and I would highly recommend her...

I met Jill during the lowest time in my life. I had suffered 3 traumatic losses of family members and was struggling to cope with a new diagnosis of bipolar disorder. I was depressed, hopeless and lacking energy or drive to care for myself.


Jill helped to guide me through my grief and provided a resource for a community of individuals who also suffered a suicide loss. She is very approachable, kind and remembers even the smallest of details. She helped me to prioritize myself and regain self confidence.

She provided support and helpful tips when I began to seek new employment and encouraged me to apply for multiple positions as I was a desirable candidate with much to offer. Jill has also helped me to experience my true emotions without stuffing them down. I feel safe and comfortable to cry in front of her.


I have had almost a half dozen therapists in my life during my mental health journey and Jill is by far the best. She is human and kind and thoughtful and approachable and I would highly recommend her to anyone in need of a therapist, young or old :)

Testimonials of Shakti Therapy

...Jill is not afraid to challenge me, but most importantly, it's evident how much she REALLY cares.  I was absolutely shocked when she brought up a very minor detail that I had mentioned during our first session which was weeks ago...

I wanted to tell you how grateful I am to have been assigned to Ms. Jillian Smith.  I've met with several therapists throughout my life and unfortunately, I haven't met anyone I have "cliqued" with.  For the most part, my past sessions have resulted in extremely vague feedback, and even once I've had to wake my therapist up from a nice slumber in the middle of our session.

Based on these previous experiences, I re-started therapy with low-expectations.  I can't tell you how thankful I am to have been assigned to Ms. Smith.  During our sessions she has been fully engaged.  I feel very comfortable being myself with her, as she is extremely sympathetic and non-judgmental.  She's also not afraid to challenge me, but most importantly, it's evident how much she REALLY cares.  I was absolutely shocked last week when she brought up a very minor detail that I had mentioned during our first session which was weeks ago.  Not only did she recall what I had mentioned, but she researched and sent me articles/techniques to help.  She goes above and beyond.  In a culture that is so quick to leave negative reviews and feedback, I really wanted to sing her praises..she deserves it.  I'm very grateful.   

Testimonials of Shakti Therapy

...My therapist taught me strategies on remaining calm and not being controlled by my emotions through discussion, meditation, literature, and media resources...

I was referred to Shakti through a friend who was already a client, and found that it was very beneficial to my well-being and personal growth. During my duration of services, my therapist was able to offer insight, reassurance, challenges to, and a nurturing hand in my own growth as a young adult.


Topics varied widely from dealing with generational trauma and self love to athletic therapy and beyond. My therapist taught me strategies on remaining calm and not being controlled by my emotions through discussion, meditation, literature, and media resources. I never once felt an air of judgment and always felt respected and treated with unconditional kindness in the face of many mentally taxing topics.


I would absolutely recommend the services to someone who is looking for a safe space to be vulnerable and grow to be their healthiest self. 

Crystal Ball in Psychic Hands

...Ektha has made me a better person today than I was before I started working with her, and I thank her for that every day; so here it is to keep it forever...

Working with Ektha and Shakti Therapy has been one of the most impactful and fulfilling experiences of my life. She is exceptionally good at what she does. I went to her with specific things I wanted to work on; not only have I seen drastic growth in those areas, I have also learned and grown in ways I never thought possible. In hindsight, working with Ektha is easily one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life.

Ektha has made me a better person today than I was before I started working with her, and I thank her for that every day; so here it is to keep it forever – thank you, Ektha!

Crystal Ball

...talking with friends will always be the go to in trying to solve issues in your life although finding the right trained professional will provide you with perspectives you would have never thought of...

I honestly have never had a therapy session until I reached the age of 35. No lie, I was skeptical. I always believed therapy doesn’t work or thats just something for rich people LOL. I’d like to consider myself more of an extrovert although, I only open up to people to a certain extent. I found myself a little lost after losing my job and experiencing issues in my long term relationship. After sessions at Shakti Therapy & Healing Services, this was just what I needed. My therapist helped me to understand myself better and learn how to love myself. You will learn lots of things about yourself that you probably didn’t know. 


Yes, talking with friends will always be the go to in trying to solve issues in your life although finding the right trained professional will provide you with perspectives you would have never thought of. Ektha helped me look at my life issues through a different lenz. I’m finally appreciating life and everything it has to offer. Much love to you and everything you do for your patients. 

Buddhist Cymbals

...approach to therapy incorporates less common techniques like spiritual, sensory, and customized  techniques...

Shakti Therapy has amazing women therapists. Their approach to therapy is rather unique that it incorporates not just traditional approaches, but also other less common techniques that are spiritual, sensory, and customized to you since no specific technique may hold the answer for everyone. Honestly, it is a great service to humanity that such therapists exist in the world.

Testimonials of Shakti Therapy

...Shakti has a certain warmth that puts people at ease which is evidenced by them opening up...

Shakti Therapy has been a big part of NVIDIA's mental health support team.  We usually want Shakti Therapy to be the first therapist to support our teams for a few reasons: 


  • The way Shakti Therapy directly handles the political nature of every group session and brings it back to emotional processing is flawless.

  • Shakti has a certain warmth that puts people at ease which is evidenced by them opening up.

  • The way Shakti holds space without judgement is remarkable. 

  • Shakti Therapy therapists are certainly comforting our Asian population and helping address that cultural stigma.

Shakti Therapy therapists

She taught me calmness at times of turmoil..."we" are so many things, family, friends, workers, volunteers, good people, lovers. 


I found Shakti after hours of searching the internet, well worth the worth the work.  My therapist made an immediate impact on how I saw certain situations in my past. In addition to creating a space of non-judgement, she taught me calmness at times of turmoil. So many lessons were learned, but of all of them, one will always stick out. The idea that "we" are so many things, family, friends, workers, lovers, volunteers, good people. I will always be appreciative of the time we shared. Would absolutely recommend to anyone seeking the kindest of souls as their healer.

Heart Shape Cookie Cutter

She has been instrumental in guiding me through deep medicine journeys in terms of properly setting intentions as well as the integration process


Ektha has helped me make some major spiritual breakthroughs in just a few months of working together. She has been instrumental in guiding me through deep medicine journeys in terms of properly setting intentions as well as the integration process. Her knowledge and experience has allowed me to piece together a lot of my past experiences and healing. I would highly recommend her to anyone who is new to therapy, ketamine medicine, or just looking for spiritual growth/healing.

Pink Smoke

...The expertise in cultural intricacies finally gave me much-needed closure... and now I  can view it through a multitude of angles, and understand my own limitations. I was able to make peace that I can lend my support, and know that the situation was never my responsibility to fix...

I moved here to Los Angeles from the opposite side of the country in the middle of the pandemic. Many of my unanswered questions came from a sense of confusion or “homelessness” in my identity, being a first-generation American with one side of my family from Eastern Europe, and the other from Southeast Asia, and I found that one of Shakti Therapy's specialties was racial & cultural identity, something I had no idea that therapy could even cover. The expertise in cultural intricacies finally gave me much-needed closure after I had spent years being unable to understand, and sometimes not wanting to understand, how my parents’ own cultural heritages and lived experiences, dealing with hardships of growing up in poverty and repression during the Cold War and then coming to America for a fresh start, molded them into the strong people they are now.


At the same time, I was in an awkward situation where my younger sibling, a college student learning to navigate independent living, was sparring with our parents (and vice-versa), and I got stuck in the middle having to serve as a mediator for everyone involved. I got caught in the trap of viewing the situation only through the lens of my own experiences and understanding of what is rational. With therapy I was able to see things from my parents’ perspective, and Shakti Therapy got me to view the situation from my sibling’s perspective, so I was able to appreciate all of the nuance.


Before her help, an inability to “fix” the situation as unacceptable to me. What I am most grateful to Ektha for in this scenario is that can now view it through a multitude of angles, and understand my own limitations. I was finally able to make peace with the fact I can lend my support, while also knowing that the situation was never my responsibility to fix in the first place.


I have been very fortunate to receive Shakti Therapy's guidance in the past year. Not only do I have a better understanding of the cultural influences in my life, I have a greater appreciation for them as well. I’ve learned to be comfortable at setting boundaries, and knowing how to not spread myself too thin. All of these things have strengthened my existing relationships and have given me a strong start when forging new ones now that the city is coming back to life. My journey of self-actualization is ongoing, and Ektha’s wisdom was the key in helping me make levels of progress I would not have believed was possible just a year ago. I know her direction will do the same for you as well.

Image by at infinity a Middle Eastern, queer individual I felt my experiences were understood and my therapist was culturally competent. I felt safe opening up...

Working with Ektha has been such a good experience for me. As a Middle Eastern, queer individual, it has been hard for me to find a therapist who really understood my experiences and was culturally competent.


Ektha’s understanding of my culture and experiences made me feel safe to open up to her. Ektha helped me take my mental health into my own hands and find peace and resilience regarding the things I have been through.


I truly felt heard and appreciated the insight Ektha provided me. Ektha is also understanding of LGBTQ+ identities and made me feel safe to express myself and my gender identity with her. 

Buddha Statue

...I wouldn't be the person I am today without Ektha. I wouldn't be alive to write this. Every single session helped me heal and grow and continues to do so...

I first contacted Ektha August of 2020 and that was the best decision of my life! No matter how much I write about my Ektha - I truly don’t have enough words to express how grateful I am to her!

For the past few years, my life was in complete shambles. I was living a life in complete isolation prior to the global lockdown due to Covid. I was having such a hard time getting out of bed and finding a reason to live. From my very first session with Ektha I felt as if I found someone who is finally willing to listen. I had finally come across someone that was willing to understand and not judge. Ektha, not only made me feel safe, she also led me on to my self-love journey. She helped me uncover years and years of trauma and pain. Ektha made me realize I have my truth which needs no one else’s validation. Also, helped navigate parts of me which I had been avoiding for years. She opened avenues of self-love, gratitude and success. Today, I am able to put myself out there for opportunities due to all my sessions with Ektha and her guidance. Ektha has a warm, kind and welcoming approach. She quickly gained my trust which helped me open up and get the help I need. From the bottom of my heart I truly believe if I had not approached Ektha when I did and had she not taken me on as a client, I wouldn’t be the person I am today. More over, I wouldn’t be alive to write this. Every single session helped me heal and grow and continues to do so. I am forever grateful for Ektha and her persistence to help me!

Image by Katherine Hanlon

...Ektha quite literally introduced to me the concept of "self-love." The kind of self-love that requires unraveling generational and personal trauma...

In my culture, therapy was introduced to me as a "waste" of time and money. When I first reached out to Ektha I was looking for a "quick solution". Needless to say, I was in a tight spot, embarrassed to be looking into therapy but on the other hand, deeply depressed and unable to properly function day-to-day. In my mind, therapy was going to be a 10 session quick fix that would let me get back to my life. Safe to say that was not the case. My journey with Ektha cracked open parts of me that I buried behind a tough immigrant-minded exterior of resilience and "pushing on". Ektha quite literally introduced to me the concept of "self-love". Not the advertised version of it. The kind of self-love that requires unraveling generational and personal trauma instead of shoving it into a forgotten corner. Ektha never tried to give me formulaic steps on how to process this trauma. Instead, she worked to understand how I naturally processed information and emotions and tailored her guidance to what worked best for my healing journey. And the most beautiful part of my journey with Ektha is recognizing that "self-love" and "healing" will never be subject to "quick solutions". Instead, it is a life long commitment to investing in myself and learning that I am deserving of this commitment from myself. 

Testimonials of Shakti Therapy

...she even gives you the option of engaging with ways ways to continue healing outside of the sessions on your own time...allowing me to see sides I never really considered...

Ektha is and will always be the first therapist I ever started working with. I was never really presented the option of therapy growing up so I kept a lot of thoughts to myself, only sharing them with a select few. When I moved to Los Angeles, that number of confidants became zero. I had no close friends and had no idea how to approach building new relationships in a very closed off city. In the wake of another person closing themselves off from me with zero communication, I decided on a whim that instead of just letting the feeling of rejection sit in my heart I would find a professional to help guide me through this pain. I had no idea what qualities made for a good therapist, only hearing from friends of the bad ones they've had run in with. I called Ektha after reading about her practice and it sounded like the type of care I needed to explore. I am very grateful that after years of hearing horror stories about therapists who just want to make a quick buck, Ektha was so kind and eager to help. You can tell right from the beginning that she cares about the health of her clients. Once I got over my personal need of adjusting to this new environment, I was able to feel that each session was focused and tailored to what I needed at that moment. She helped calm my various anxieties about relationships, family, and work at my own pace. Ektha worked with me on my time while still being able to engage and challenge some of my beliefs, allowing me to see new sides of people I never really considered. On top of all of this she even gives you the option of engaging with ways to continue healing outside of the sessions on your own time. This was a big positive for me personally as it gave me goals to achieve while also exploring my emotional state beyond my time with Ektha. This is only the beginning of my healing journey and as I said at the start, Ektha will always be my first therapist. If you are looking for your first, she is a great choice. If you are looking for a new one to continue your own personal journey, she is still a great choice. If you are searching for a way to grow and improve, you will feel greatly rewarded by getting into contact with Ektha. I know I was.  

Testimonials of Shakti Therapy

...her approach is direct and compassionate...perfect for those ready to face their truths...

I have been a client of Ektha's for one year, and I have done more self exploration and achieved more personal development in this year than I had in the previous 26 years combined. Her approach is direct and compassionate, which is perfect for those who are ready to face truths and do the work, but not at the expense of their sanity or stability. Ektha helped me out of a deep hole of depression that I felt unprepared to deal with, and has given me tools to confidently dig myself out should I find myself there again in the future. She doesn't make you feel rushed or judged in the slightest. To put it plainly, Ektha has changed my life, and I would be shocked if anyone who saw her didn't feel the same.

Testimonials of Shakti Therapy

...Ms. Aggarwal definitely changed my life...and helped me realize I have ultimate power over my life...

As a young Black woman, in my community, therapy is seen as something taboo. We’re usually told to take your issues to God/just pray about it. However, sometimes that is not the only answer or thing that works. Over the years, I realized that I stepped out of the conventional ways of religion and delved deeper into spirituality. In relation to therapy, I went in order to get my anxiety under control and research different forms of therapy. I had to deal with my husband and I living apart as newly weds and with leaving my home state and moving across the country for a new, unknown journey. After plenty of arguments and uncertainty about some things in my life, I decided in late Summer to find a therapist.


I ended up finding Ms. Aggarwal on Psychology Today and thankfully got the opportunity to squeeze in some time with her before moving in October. Although the time was short, it felt like a lot longer. as Ms Aggarwal helped me to understand that it is okay for me to have anxiety but also that I can control it and I have ultimate power over my life. She also mentioned that my husband and I both seek couples therapy, in which we are in now. Ms. Aggarwal definitely changed my life and aided me in understanding that other people’s opinions of me or their actions towards me is not a reflection of my own, but theirs. Through inner healing work, meditation, yoga and figuring out how to navigate life as a young, Black female newlywed in an interracial relationship, I realized that although life is full of ups and downs, I can say that this experience in therapy with Ms. Aggarwal was life changing and aided in getting some of my anxiety and other concerns about life in general under control. I highly recommend her services and spend as much time with her as possible.


...she taught me self-love & patience, and how that can transcend to the world around me...

Ektha is a very empathetic and compassionate therapist. She taught me that everyone is always trying their best at the moment with what they have and I can see that she puts that into practice every day in her life as well. She is easy to talk to, inquisitive and cares deeply about her clients. Not only is she kind and patient, but she is also very smart. I felt like I had a life coach and not just a therapist because she is so knowledgeable about society in general. She even gave me salary negotiation tips! She tries to fully understand who you are, and help you mold into the person you want to become. She taught me self love and patience, and how that can transcend to the world around me. I highly highly recommend her, every session with her helped me grow a lot. It was such a pleasure working with her. 


...she provided a safe place to focus on myself ...

When I first sat down in Ektha’s office, I was at a breaking point. I was weighed down by years of bottled up resentment and anger and needed to make a healthy change. Ektha quickly had my trust, with her nonjudgmental and caring nature. She worked with me to slowly shift my perspective, explore my true wants and needs, and become more self aware. Ektha did not give me all the answers; she provided a safe place to focus on myself and gave me the tools to grow at my own pace. Her patient and gentle guidance led me through a challenging but incredibly rewarding journey to a healthier mind. She helped me see the value and strength in vulnerability—a concept that I had once scoffed at. She helped me unpack my emotions and find strength in them, the benefits of which filtered into all relationships and aspects of my life. Making the decision to go to therapy was the best decision I’ve ever made. I am so thankful for Ektha and her expertise. The many lessons that I’ve learned through therapy have better prepared me for recognizing and understanding the patterns of my emotions, and navigating through all the relationships and experiences that I will come across in the future.

Sandy Beach

...therapy has been extremely pivotal in changing how I communicate ... 

Navigating my late 20’s with anxiety and depression in LA has been quite challenging and I had stalled starting therapy for years until I finally reached out to Ektha. From our initial consultation up until our current sessions, Ektha has and continues to provide a calm, safe space where I feel heard and challenged on negative thought patterns. In just 6 months time therapy has been extremely pivotal in changing how I communicate and navigate different relationships and situations in my life; especially my relationship with myself. She made me feel encouraged and proud of myself for asking for help; something that’s always been hard for me. Shes helped me ask myself the necessary tough questions that have led to a deeper understanding of who I am and what I need. She’s helped me fine tune my problem solving skills and helps me create action plans to address and resolve conflicts in my relationships. I couldn’t imagine 6 months ago expressing my feelings, wants and needs with the ease I do now and it’s in large part thanks to Ektha. I also really love that she offers walking therapy in addition to a traditional office setting. Staying active while airing my grievances really feels amazing!


...keeps trying new ways to have breakthroughs ...

We have had a amazing experience with Ektha as a therapist for my 14  year old daughter. My daughter has been difficult at times and Ektha has stuck with us and keeps trying new ways to have breakthroughs and to allow my daughter to express herself. Ektha has shown compassion and respect throughout the sessions and supports the family fully.  We are immensely grateful for her guidance and support through my daughter's journey!

Image by Sabine Schulte

...she helps break the stigma around mental health in the South Asian community...

There are no words to describe how truly amazing of a therapist Ektha is. She is a good listener, caring, honest, and always positive. She really helped me overcome some tough moments in my life and has been my therapist for close to 8 years.  Most importantly, she helps break the stigma around mental health in the South Asian community. For example, she helped me and my family advocate for post-partum depression. She is someone who is not only there for her patients/clients but also her community.

Image by Samuel Austin

...Ektha combines intuition and wisdom in a way that is unique and effective ...

My teenage daughter had the privilege of seeing Ektha as a therapist. She is a wonderful listener and very insightful. Ektha combines intuition and wisdom in a way that is unique and effective – and helped my daughter immensely. This wasn’t my daughter’s first rodeo, and other therapists she had seen paled in comparison to Ektha. Ektha connected with my daughter in a way others didn’t and I could feel how much Ektha truly cared about my daughter’s well-being. As a mom, I couldn’t be more grateful. Today my daughter practices what she learned from Ektha and I see such a difference! Thank you Ektha!

Lake at Dusk

... she is kind, open, honest and I feel so comfortable ...

When I found Ektha, it was a really critical time in my life. This was the first time I’d ever been to couples therapy and the first therapist I’ve seen in over a decade. I found Ektha online from Psychology Today, while searching among loads of people. Ektha is kind, open, honest and I feel so comfortable around her and in her space. She really takes the time to strategize how to help and support us.


I’m super grateful to have found Ektha. She has really helped us with our communication and given us some great tools to work with and have a healthier relationship.

Dandelion Parachute Seed

... Ektha has shown compassion and respect to us ...

We have had a amazing experience with Ektha as a therapist for my daughter. My daughter has been difficult at times and Ektha has stuck with us and keeps trying new ways to have Breakthroughs and to allow my daughter to express herself. Ektha has shown compassion and respect to us and we are Immensely grateful for her guidance and support!

Cliffs and Ocean


Los Angeles, CA 90066

Torrance, CA 90505

*Supporting anyone in Los Angeles and throughout California.

PHONE: 1-424.265.9943

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