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7 Tips to Manage Burnout Amid the Pandemic

Many employees are coming out of the pandemic, priding themselves on how hard they have worked. Burnout is known to impact people who are highly dedicated to their work and effective in their job duties. There’s a famous saying used by many executives and leaders:

“If you don’t come in on Saturday, don’t bother showing up on Sunday.”

Moving forward the expectation that if you’re not ready to put in 24/7 work hours, you may not be worth it. With the stay home orders, you may not be able to leave your job since it’s always available.

As per Shakti Therapy & Healing Services, a holistic group practice in Los Angeles, CA, burnout has historically been a widely accepted disorder that has been getting more attention since the pandemic. Since burnout happens over time, many people do not notice the symptoms.

Key Signs of Burnout:

Once burnout takes over, it can impact your functioning across all areas of your life. Here are 7 tips to manage burnout amidst the pandemic:

1. Take a Break

Take a break at your earliest - this is not a 5 minute break or a day off, but a full disconnection from work for at least a couple weeks. Yes, that means the vacation out of office email message goes into full action. It is recommended to take 2-4 weeks off with no office communication or contact. This means that the work cell phone is turned off, calls are automatically forwarded, and no emails are checked. Creating this break and doing what makes you genuinely happy can help manage the harmful effects of burnout.

This would be a good time to take advantage of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), a federal law that provides some employees up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave each year without the threat of losing their job. It is commonly used for major life events, such as child birth or significant illness, however, severe burnout and mental stress does qualify as a FMLA protection. Talk to your therapist to learn more about this. In many cases, 4 weeks is ideal to recharge and manage the symptoms of non-severe burnout.

2. Sleep

Sleep is the third pillar of wellness, in addition to diet and exercise according to Tuck co-founder and sleep coach, Bill Fish. People require eight hours of restful sleep a night to be effective and have sufficient energy to perform. A couple months of consistent and restful sleep will allow you to manage burnout in a healthier way.

3. Eat Healthy

Taking charge of your physical health is one of the keys to managing burnout. When you are stressed, you’re more likely to look for ways to soothe and comfort yourself with food, alcohol and/or other substances. These activities do not cure burnout and, actually, can make you feel worse as well as increase stress levels. Putting down that bag of chips or skipping on that glass of wine for more veggies and exercise fuels your body and your brain.

4. Set Boundaries

Setting boundaries can help you manage stress by not not accepting too many commitments. Too many commitments can overwhelm you and increase burnout. Part of boundary setting is learning to say no with self compassion. By being selective about your commitments, you are taking care of your mental health and managing burnout. Before making a commitment:

Pause and process what will be required to complete the task or project at hand.

Check-in with yourself to see if you have the emotional or mental energy to handle this.

Identify how this project aligns with your purpose or what value it brings you.

5. Ask for Help

When you are experiencing burnout, you may feel that you have to do everything yourself. Confronting burnout is not easy since it can provoke feelings of helplessness. It can be difficult to ask for help when you're stressed, overwhelmed, and your quality of life has gone down. This is the most important time to ask for help from a therapist so you can process how burnout, stress, or anxiety may cause you to not perform your duties and how it is impacting the quality of your life. A therapist can guide you to identify causes, learn the right set of coping skills, and navigate the challenges of burnout so you can transform your struggles into strengths.

6. Practice Self Compassion

Burnout can bring forward feelings of helplessness, sadness, and guilt. It becomes difficult maintaining relationships and being present with loved ones. You may feel that you can’t do anything right or you’re a failure. This point of burnout is considered severe. Healing begins with love and compassion. Start with offering compassion and empathy to the person standing in front of the mirror. You have been through so much and are still showing resilience. Give yourself love and support for not giving up. Remind yourself that no one is perfect. It is okay to take a break. It is okay to not feel excited, motivated, or happy. Your chances of moving through burnout increase when you offer compassion and play on your strengths.

7. Remember, You Matter

Whatever is going on in your life, remember you are human first before an employee. Your feelings matter. Your thoughts matter. Your experience matters. It is important to put yourself first and take the time you need to re-center. Choose to make yourself and your wellbeing a priority. Show up for yourself. You are worthy.

Burnout is a serious disorder and only gets worse with time if it’s not addressed. The effects of burnout on your mental, emotional, and physical health should not be disregarded or underestimated. The best way to prevent or manage burnout is to put your wellbeing first. It takes constant awareness and self-reflection to put yourself first. The more you take care of yourself, the more clear it becomes where your focus should be on and off the courts.

Transform your pain into personal power. Take back control of your life, free yourself from the burnout, and love the life you live!

To learn more about burnout & what you can do today - join us for a live virtual talk on July 12 at 12:00pm PDT

Registration Link:

If you are ready to feel empowered, effortlessly achieve your goals, and feel more happiness in your life, schedule a complimentary consultation now. Ektha Aggarwal is a licensed conscious psychotherapist who specializes in athlete mental health, COVID-PTSD, the treatment of anxiety and depression, and psychedelic integration. TOGETHER we both can navigate any conflict and help you thrive!

Ektha Aggarwal is a licensed South Asian Therapist and CEO of Shakti Therapy and Healing Services in Los Angeles, CA. Ektha specializes in working with South Asians (Indian & Desi) and people of color to break the stigma around mental health and instill the concept of immigrant resilience. To learn more about Shakti Therapy and Healing services, please visit or email Ektha at


Los Angeles, CA 90066

Torrance, CA 90505

*Supporting anyone in Los Angeles and throughout California.

PHONE: 1-424.265.9943

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